Another year went by and january is already gone (well almost).
A while ago I decided to leave Instagram and move to Cara instead. So from now on I will be posting new work there. I will not delete my Instagram account but I'll leave it as it is.
I'm currently working on the next detailed drawing for World Of Solitaire, and hopefully I'll finish it soon.
This site is in serious need of a new design. It will not get one soon though since I need to prioritise. I hope you'll bear with me.
I uploaded the latest drawing in the gallery (timelapse video can be found on my YouTube channel), removed some of the many links to other platforms and adjusted some of the information about my adventuregame project "A Long Story Short".
Earlier this year I chose to delete my gallery at DeviantArt and move to a different platform - This was due to the new A.I. wave that came in and flodded DeviantArt with crap. Suddently everyone is an artist. Or so they think. The difference is they can upload 200 images per day. It is impossible to keep up with that. The other issue is the high quality crispy detailed work they spit out that everyone loves so much that they clap and praise this person to the moon and back.
Not seeing the beautiful work is so full of weird errors like a person with 8 fingers or lines that blend together in a weird way. Also there's no deeper meaning with the errors because there's no soul behind the work. I could go on but you get the point.
If you're reading this - Hi! I'm happy someone does. I hope you're doing alright in this messed up world.
I love watching timelapses of other artists creating their digital artworks, and lately I've been interested in giving it a go myself. I found a recording software that didn't create weird lagging, but allows me to paint smoothly while recording.
And so I've made a YouTube Channel. For now it's solely for timelapse videos of the detailed digital illustrations I create. I hope you'll drop by and check it out! :D
I recently finished another commissioned image for . It's in the gallery now. Some of the process have been recorded and I'm thinking about getting a YouTube channel to post them on. I plan to record the process from start to finish on the next image I make.
Happy New Year folks! I hope you're doing alright despite what's going on in the world. It's crazy times indeed.
I thought I'd better post something (the yearly update haha) to let you know everything is OK here. I'm spending most of my time on my business, and making personal art is still... not on the top of my todo list.
Also, if I do get some time on my hands to be creative, I would dedicate it to working on my adventure game project. That is my intention at least.
I'm on Discord, so if you want to pop in and say hi sometime, feel free to do so. You can find my Discord nick by clicking the little Discord icon above. The link doesn't go anywhere when you click it, but you can find my Discord nick in the address bar.
Last - I'm aware that the lighbox viewing of my art is not working anymore, but I haven't got the time to fix it. The whole site needs an update. :-)
Yes I know. I've been severely neglecting this site. But now I finally got around making it mobile friendly! (Only 5 years late but what the heck) :)
2017 was spent illustrating for the big project and in december 2017 it was finally released. It contains 15 of my illustrations and I've also created the themes you see when you view it on your player. It was a very challenging project for me, combining most of the things I've been avoiding to draw because they're hard.
Now that I'm done with this project, I've been looking more into doing commissioned work, and that brings me to the reason I wrote this post; I finally posted a new image in the gallery :-)
Back in 2008/2009 we (boyfriend and I) created a cellphone game called Ukkos Journey. It's now available for your Xbox one/PlayStation 3/PlayStation 4!
I will not write a whole lot about it here - Instead I'll link you directly to where you can get it! and here you can read all about what Blu-Play is and how you get the game working on your console.
So as you can imagine the past few weeks have been busy. The original graphics from Ukkos Journey had to be trippled in size so there was a lot of work to go over. We decided to leave the tile graphics as they were, but the fonts, backgrounds and forgrounds have been redrawn. Phew!
If you play the game on your console I would be happy to hear from you what you think!
Seems like I once again went a year without posting anything.
So I might aswell fill you in with what's been going on.
I've been focusing on making illustrations and graphics for a large project for 8-bit Memoirs. Sneak peek video here (although it's not yet updated with my illustrations):
At this point I've created 7 finished illustrations. I guess I'm soon half way through since his project requires a lot of illustrations (and he can't yet tell how many drawings he needs in total).
They're approximately taking 20 hours each to draw - that is A LOT of time for me to spend per drawing so it's a challenge for my patience :D And not only my patience. I'm also challenged in areas I've been avoiding like perspective drawing and people.
This year will also be spent on this project so I will not be making any personal art until it's done.
I got the chance to be a lot more creative last year than in the previous years. Now that my daughter is old enough to entertain herself it makes things a little bit easier. But even then, my creative time is interrupted a lot and I've had to learn to get back into flow quick.
This year I will keep up the practising and make at least one drawing per month if I'm lucky to stay in good health this time.
Happy New Year to you all! :-)
Playing with character design. I still get ideas for the ALSS story, so I tried to create a character and have him pose and showing some kind of emotion. First time I try that. It's hard. :-D
I recently turned 33. Or 29 again as I call it. As soon as I passed 30, I stopped to keep track of my age :-) I joined a little contest on DeviantArt where the theme was Easter and contributed with a little easter chick.
A couple of months late! I started this drawing on New Years eve and thought it was a quick little drawing I could be done with fast...
2014 was a year with focus on PRACTISING. I've been using photo references and drawing a lot more of the 'boring stuff'. Something I've avoided entirely over the years. I wish I could say that I've been practising every minute of every day for a whole year, but that is of course not even close.
If you have the same problem as I have, you'll probably say that you don't have time! Your calendar is filled and you're busy with important tasks all the time. You probably have a day job. Perhaps you have kids and a family. AND you have more than one thing you want to do when you have a moment for yourself. The key is prioritizing. What did I do to carve out time in a busy day to dedicate to practise my drawing skills? For one I gave up computer games. Todays games are very time consuming. Social media and generally surfing on the net also eats away your time, so I cut that down to a minimum too.
Regarding my health, I can say that I'm recovering, but I have also set a new course; in short I've changed my diet with the goal of healing myself without medicine. So that is of course also yet another thing that takes up my time (I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. But in the end I hope it is worth it) :-)
Happy new year to you all!
So.. long time of silence. I thought I'd give you guys an update on how things are.
I can't believe it's november already, but I have also lost about a month and a half being sick. But before getting sick, things were going great.
I spent a lot of time practising my drawing skills. I stumbled across a great site called and I would recommend it to anyone who want to get better at drawing.
It has helped me tremendously.
I know I have nothing to show for it. I don't post my practise stuff here because a lot of it is what I would call 'not my own art'. But I hope my future works will show some improvement when I get to fit in the new knowledge.
I have been working a bit on ALSS too, but time is very limited, and other things have taken my time. That's just life. I'm glad it's my own project and that I can set my own deadlines. At least I still want this game to be a reality so I haven't given up on it.
It's 5 AM as I write this, and I'm not at all tired. My body is stuffed with prednisone and I long to return to my normal self again. A word of advice: take care of your health. It sucks when you don't have it anymore.
I've submitted this design for a T-shirt on It requires people to vote for it. If it gets enough votes it will be printed. The voting window is one week. I hope you'll give your vote :-)
EDIT: Link removed again when the voting option closed.
(It got terrible scores haha. Perhaps there are not so many coffee drinkers on Threadless.)
It has been on my mind for some time now, to try and create something I could sell. Most of my art is done without the purpose of selling it in mind.
So I've created a cover design for iPhones/iPads (and opened up for it to be used on other things as well) on
You can view my shop here if you are curious.
Here is a little teaser:
Things are going well. The story is beginning to take form. I've also begun fleshing out each of the characters to get to know them better and to connect them with the world. It's a challenge, but it's fun.
Besides that I try to practise drawing from photos as well, I have looked into animation and I have sketched out a few more locations with pencil.
The good thing about this project is, that no matter which part of the project I decide to work on it will help move the entire project forward. Nothing is wasted, even if I spend time on something that I'll scrap later on.
The Basilisk has been redrawn. Remember you can look here to follow the development of A Long Story Short.
For the first time in 10 years I've come up with a New Year's resolution.
I need to draw more - AND I need to get better at it too.
So, for the first time, I'm pushing myself to draw after photos, to practise landscapes, buildings, rooms, anatomy, you name it. My only rule is that I can only look at the pictures. I may not colorpick from it and my final work may not be altered with Brightness/Contrast or other neat Photoshop features.
This may sound like a minor thing to you, but to me it's a big thing.
I've always avoided to practise. I find it boring to copy a photo and prefer to draw without reference, but I also know I'm getting nowhere this way. There are areas where my skills are non existent so instead of practising them, I've simply avoided those areas. I've told myself that someday, when I get a lot of time, I will sit down and practise all of these things...
Truth is, there's never time. Never. So to wait for it is pointless. I can see that now after so many years.
My studies will not be posted here, but you will be able to follow the progress on My deviantArt gallery. Also, if you know where to find some great photo references that I can use, please let me know! :-)
It has been a year with minimum focus on drawing, and more focus on hand crafted things. May 2014 be a super productive year! ;-) I wish you and your loved ones a very happy new year!
It just came to my attention that the link to Fading Shades was broken. I've fixed it now so it should be possible for you to download the game.
It has been awhile since my last post. Things have been really busy, and my priorities has shifted since I became a mother in 2011. I spend as much time with my daughter as I can, and less time on sitting in front of the computer.
The urge to be creative however has not changed, so at this time I've picked up on crocheting again, and have learned how to make amigurumi.
I just want to announce, that LuBlu Entertainment (the boyfriend and I) have released our 4th mobile game today! It tooks 3 years to develop despite it being a small game.
You can read more about it on
Download for Android here
or for Java ME here
At this point there's no iPhone version available, but if the game hits off we'll consider it! :-)
Go download the game and challenge your freinds. And don't forget to rate it on Google Play! ;-)
About 200 years ago I promised I would soon get my flash creations on display here. I just never got around it and the years just went by as years tend to do...
But now they're here. And it's really nothing spectacular, but I think they belong here anyway.
You can find them in the left menu just below Gallery.
Enjoy :-)
I've tried working with a much higher resolution than normal, and it has been both difficult and interesting. It requires a different way of working, merging layers (I rarely do that and always ends up with i million layers). But it also allows a lot more detailing than usual :-)
Sometimes it's a good thing to go through the old stuff. I found 3 pixel graphics from 2010 and decided to show them here. I'm currently experimenting with painting digitally on a much larger canvas than usual, plus trying to practice on drawing more human figures.
It was time to update the look of this site, and to make it more up to date.
I hope 2013 will be a more productive year. :-)